As Instructor
Scientific Research Methods (RSCH 410), Fall 2023 Spring 2024, Yeditepe University
Games and Strategies (ECON 201), Summer 2023-2024, Sabancı University
As Teaching Assistant
Research Methods (SPS 311), Fall 2022, Sabancı University
Formal Modeling and Political Analysis (POLS 534), Fall 2021, Sabancı University
Survey Research Methods (POLS 532), Spring 2020-2021, Sabancı University
Quantitative Research Methods (POLS 530), Spring 2020-2021, Sabancı University
Methods and Scope of Political Analysis (POLS 529), Fall 2019-2021, Sabancı University
Law and Ethics (SPS 303), Fall 2017-18 and Spring 2018-19, Sabancı University